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A year ago EIF hosted a brainstorming session in collaboration with the European Commission (DG CONNECT) in view of the upcoming EIF report “The Digital World in 2030”.

The format of the discussion was based on the ‘Digital Futures' foresight model, which allows all participants to engage in creative dialogue and to share their knowledge, experience and expectations in order to discover new insights and ideas for future policies. The key messages and futures that arose from this brainstorming session are available here.

This EIF cocktail reception will be a follow-up event on the Digital Futures Project. Franco Accordino, Team Leader of Task force Digital Futures at DG CONNECT, European Commission, will address EIF members to present the outcomes of the project as at today.

Participants will be invited to engage in an exchange of views.

Digital Futures is a foresight project launched by DG CONNECT to prepare for reflections on ICT policies beyond 2020. The project taps into the collective wisdom and aspirations of stakeholders to co-create long term visions (on a time horizon 2040-50) and fresh ideas for policies that can inspire the future strategic choices of DG CONNECT and the European Commission. Digital Futures draws inspiration from the long term advances at the intersection between ICT and society, economy, environment, politics, humanities and other key enabling technologies and sciences. The project is supported by Futurium, an online platform combining the informal character of social networks with the methodological approach of foresights to engage stakeholders in the co-creation of the futures that they want.


  • Programme - 12th November 2013



    Welcome and introduction by James Elles, MEP and EIF Co-Founder

    Presentation of the outcomes of the European Commission – DG CONNECT project ‘Digital Futures’ by Franco Accordino, Team Leader of Task force Digital Futures


    Exchange of views with participants


    Networking cocktail


Practical information

12 November 2013 18:30 - 20:00

European Parliament
Members' Salon
Rue Wiertz 60

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  • James Elles MEP and EIF Co-Founder European Parliament
  • Franco Accordino Team Leader of Task Force Digital Futures European Commission DG CONNECT