Business membership candidates

The list of candidates for the 8 Board seats in our Business membership category is now available. Please find them below, in A-Z order, with a short bio and motivation for each candidate. 

Please note that Goran Gotev (Okta) has withdrawn his candidature.

    • Audrey Scozzaro Ferrazzini - Qualcomm

      Audrey Scozzaro FerazziniAudrey Scozzaro Ferrazzini is Vice-President Government Affairs at Qualcomm with the main focus on Technology and Geopolitics in Europe. She oversees strategic public policy files and advocacy efforts at the EU institutions in Brussels. In addition, Audrey is in charge of Government Affairs operations in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain. She is former Vice-Chair of the Amcham EU Intellectual Property Rights Committee and is currently Board member of the European Internet Forum and 4iP Council. 

      Audrey first joined Qualcomm in 2014 and, after a short stint leading the European Commission team at Google, she returned to Qualcomm in mid-2020. Before, Audrey had held several positions in the public and private sectors for over 12 years: initially working for the French Government’s European Affairs Service, advising the Prime Minister’s office, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Culture and Communication, then leading the Government Affairs team of BlackBerry in Brussels for 5 years. 

      She holds postgraduate degrees in European and International Law from La Sorbonne as well as in International Relations from the University of Pantheon-Assas, Paris. Audrey completed the Executive Management Acceleration Program and Women Leaders Programme at INSEAD and several regulatory programs at the European University Institute in Fiesole. She is a visiting Lecturer at Bocconi University in Milan. 

      Audrey is based out of Brussels, and had previously lived in Toronto, Paris, Fort-de-France, Abidjan, and Djibouti. She has a eight-year-old daughter and enjoys spending time with her English bulldogs, her Pomanese and her Bengal cat. She is a big fan of photography and martial arts. 


      I am running for a second mandate in this year’s Board election to put my experience at your service. 

      I see EIF as by far the most influential voice in the debate on digital policy issues in Brussels. The forum is unique and creates infinite possibilities of dialogue and cooperation between the public and private sectors. I would like to continue bringing my ideas, motivation and commitment to the Board, with the support of the fantastic Qualcomm team in Europe and around the world. 

      Looking back over my 20 year-long professional path, I have spent most of my career working in the technology and digital sector and built a “know-how” on key policy files. In my current role as Vice-President Government Affairs, I oversee all strategic and advocacy files with the European Parliament, and I would like to continue to offer my expertise on digital, connectivity and artificial intelligence, which are the heartbeat of the events EIF focuses on. As a sitting Board member, I have a good understanding of the day-to-day collaboration with members and management of such a Brussels-based organisation. 

      I am a strong believer that science and technology have the power to make our lives better and am also a confident advocate that Technology for Good is not a concept but a compass, a way of living. I am extremely grateful for the confidence you might consider placing in me and I would be honoured and privileged to represent EIF for a second mandate. 

    • Aurélie Doutriaux - Orange

      Aurelie DoctrinauxSince July 2013, Aurélie has been the Deputy Director of the Orange Brussels office. She has been board member of the EIF during the 2019-2024 mandate, as well as Programming Committee Co-chair during several months. 

      In her current role at Orange, Aurélie has been involved in a very broad number of topics of interest to EIF missions: broadband connectivity, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, platforms regulation, cloud, competition, green transition, etc. She has been strongly committed to ensure constructive debates and an efficient, value added and good functioning of the EIF during her board member mandate. 

      Previous to this, Aurélie was in charge of regulatory affairs at Orange Belgium for 3 years, managing network regulation and innovative projects. She started her career at ARCEP, the French telecom and postal regulator, where for 6 years, she was a legal advisor on regulatory decisions before working for the general director as public affairs manager. 

      Aurélie has a master II in European Law (2000) from the University of Paris XI. She is also committed to diverse activities among which children’s welfare, being an active volunteer over the last 10 years in the ASBL Sun Child at the CHU Saint-Pierre in Brussels.


      The EIF provides a unique platform for debate and learning on the digital transformation. Together with the green transition, they are key challenges we are collectively facing as European citizens, policy makers or businesses. In such a context, deepening our exchanges within EIF on how to best achieve a more inclusive, innovative, competitive, and greener digital European Union at the benefits of citizens and companies is of utmost importance. It will surely remain one of the key priorities for the next mandate. 

      Thanks to my experience in the telecom sector, I have developed in-depth expertise and knowledge on various digital matters (connectivity, cybersecurity, AI, platforms regulation, green transition, etc) and a robust ability to constructively communicate with a wide range of policymakers and stakeholders. 

      During my first mandate at the EIF Board, I have been strongly committed to ensuring an efficient functioning of the organization, and pushing for relevant and constructive debates, while co-chairing the Programming Committee for several months. Based on this experience, and thanks to your support, I would be delighted to contribute further in steering such a rich forum of members and topics for debate.

    • Chris Gow - Cisco

      Chris GowChris Gow is Senior Director, EU Public Policy and Head of the Brussels Office for Cisco’s Government Affairs team, responsible for engagements with the EU institutions.  Having joined Cisco in 2008, he oversees all of Cisco’s EU public policy positions and advocacy.  He is currently deeply engaged in security, digital sovereignty, cloud, AI and data issues in region and globally.  

      Chris has held multiple industry positions, including Member of the Executive Board of DIGITALEUROPE and the Chair of DIGITALEUROPE’s Privacy and Security Group.  

      Prior to Cisco, he was responsible for campaign strategies and digital economy policy work at EICTA (now DIGITALEUROPE).  He has been in Brussels since 2003, initially as an Assistant to a Member of the European Parliament, working on internal market and legal affairs issues.

      Chris studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University.


      With the upcoming elections in June, it is more important than ever to ensure that the European Parliament and digital stakeholders in Brussels build strong relations and jointly drive the public policy agenda for European digitisation.  The EIF serves as an important platform for a non-partisan dialogue that seeks to inform the debate, and for policy makers and the tech sector to educate one another through open engagement.

      Cisco has been an active member at EIF for many years, supporting delegations to Israel, Mobile World Congress and Transatlantic Week, and events on topics such as skills and cybersecurity. Cisco’s diverse portfolio across enterprise and telecom, software/services and hardware provides a broad perspective on the interests of the tech community that I believe would serve me well in advising on the programme and strategy and direction of the organisation.  

      I have been actively engaged in the EU’s tech government affairs community for 20 years and head Cisco’s public policy team in Brussels. Alongside various policy leadership roles in different associations, I have previous Board experience having served four years on the Board of DIGITAL EUROPE, including two years on the Operations Committee, involved in detailed running of the organisation.

    • Darren Ennis - Vodafone

      Darren EnnisDarren Ennis leads Vodafone Group’s EU affairs team & is Head of its Brussels office. A former award-winning Reuters journalist, he has extensive experience inside and outside government at national and EU level, including as Special Advisor to the first EU High Representative.

      Darren started his Brussels career as an EU Correspondent for Reuters, becoming Reuters’ Deputy Chief in Brussels shortly after. After 7 years at Reuters, Darren joined the cabinet of the first EU High Representative as her media and strategic communications advisor; where he helped developing her narrative for EU foreign policy and acted as her Spokesperson. Following this experience in the public sector, Darren turned to the private sector where he worked as special advisor on strategic communications for several industries. In 2017, Darren joined the UK Prime Minister's Office and Cabinet Office Communication Team. In 2018, Darren returned to Brussels, where after 2 years at a Communications and public affairs consultancy, he joined Vodafone Group, becoming last August the Group Head of EU Affairs & Director of Vodafone Belgium.


      I am writing to express my keen interest in joining the Board of the European Internet Forum (EIF) and contributing to its mission of supporting European political leadership in the digital age. 

      The EIF's dedication to providing a neutral, transparent, and non-partisan platform for understanding the Internet's impact on Europe's economy, society, and governance resonates deeply with me and the company I represent, Vodafone. Throughout my career, I have championed similar principles, leading initiatives that ensure public policies are not only responsive but also forward-thinking in the face of rapid technological advancements.

      As part of my role as a Vodafone Group Head of EU Affairs, I have a proven track record of bridging gaps between stakeholders from education and awareness through to advocacy. We, at Vodafone, as one of the biggest pan-European connectivity we have initiated and led projects that have brought together diverse members of the telecom ecosystem, facilitating open and inclusive dialogue. I believe that collaboration throughout our broader industry is key to drive innovation and address shared challenges.

      Having been a former journalist (Deputy Editor for Reuters in Brussels) and a former Member of Cabinet (first EU High Representative), now turned corporate public affairs expert, I am eager to bring my unique perspective and industry insights to the EIF Board, working alongside MEPs and stakeholders to address the top digital policy challenges at both European and global levels

    • Fabrizio Porrino - ServiceNow

      Fabrizio PorrinoFabrizio is a dynamic leader with 20 years of experience in Tech. 

      Currently, he leads ServiceNow's EMEA Government Relations. The mission is to make the world work better for everyone. 

      Throughout his career, he has worked with CEOs, Founders, EU commissioners, Members of Parliament, and Investors to successfully deliver on Public Affairs and Funding. His work has taken him to Brussels, Washington, Silicon Valley, the Union for the Mediterranean, the OECD, the UN, and various regions across EMEA. 

      Fabrizio has launched and served on several public and private partnerships and government-backed initiatives, including the EU Unicorns Group, the European Tech Alliance, the European Internet Forum, Startup Europe, and the European Innovation Council. 

      During his tenure as an EU official, he worked towards ensuring that everyone across the EU had access to high-speed internet and that the EU was democratically representing people's interests. 

      Fabrizio's academic background includes being an alumnus of the College of Europe, Sciences Po, and the Faculty of International Relations at the University of Turin.


      ServiceNow makes the world work better for everyone. Our platform powers the digital transformation of public and private sectors to find smarter, faster, and better ways to serve citizens. We have supported EIF's delegations to MWC, Transatlantic Week, Israel, and AI, Sustainability, Startups, and Skills events. It is a testament to our commitment to contribute to the technological debate. With innovation and sustainability, we can create a better future for all.I grew up in a European version of Silicon Valley that once thrived globally. It attracted and inspired many entrepreneurs, including Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Adriano Olivetti, its greatest leader, had an avant-garde vision of people and technology, innovation, education, culture, life-work balance, welfare, and sustainability. It is still very influential today and has greatly inspired my career.

      As a former EIF board member, I have always advocated the most comprehensive representation possible of interests and points of view. I believe this is the biggest asset EIF can offer. It would be an honor to put my experience at the service of EIF's Members again.

    • Jeremy Rollison - Microsoft

      Jeremy RollisonJeremy is  an American-Belgian dual national working and living in Brussels for close to 20 years. He is currently Head of EU Policy at Microsoft, working in Brussels European Government Affairs team and managing their policy team responsible for engagement across relevant EU regulatory policies impacting Microsoft and its customers’ use of and access to their products and services.

      It’s been a privilege to serve on the EIF Board for the current term, and Jeremy has appreciated the opportunity to help steer the organisation along with the Board peers and the Secretariat. Microsoft is a strong supporter of the EIF and they have engaged accordingly to drive diversity, consensus, and impact across the organisation’s activities. They believe the EIF continues to be an important partner for EU policymakers; particularly the European Parliament, but also more broadly. Jeremy continues to work closely with the EIF staff and its membership on not only specific policy file debates and Brussels engagements, but also its outreach to additional stakeholders in Brussels and beyond.


      I would be honored to leverage the learnings and experience from this term to continue playing a role in shaping the EIF’s future activities, particularly at such a key moment around a new EU mandate.  Leveraging learnings from my experience this term, I believe the association can have an even greater impact on the Brussels policy agenda, particularly ahead of and after the upcoming European elections. EIF is well-placed to not only engage further, and more effectively, with the digital leadership in Brussels, but to do so with increasing ambition and relevance. There’s a variety of interests within EIF digital network ecosystem, but a helpful and encouraging consensus on driving key conversations and awareness on an increasingly wide variety of digital policy topics and technological developments. EIF’s network is uniquely placed to be such a constructive voice and platform for EU policymakers shaping Europe’s digital policy outputs, and I would be honored to continue to contribute to the organization at Board level.

    • Simona Popa - InterDigital

      Simona PopaSimona Popa joined the InterDigital Government Affairs team in February 2020. She brings almost 20 years of professional experience in public policy, lobbying and government relations. Prior to joining InterDigital, Simona worked for nearly 7 years at AT&T and Warner Media (formerly known as Time Warner) as Executive Director, Public Policy Europe dealing with a large number of issues around media, telecom and internet legislation. In her role, Simona helped define and execute policy, advocacy and regulatory strategies and drive large industry coalition-building efforts while working closely with key decision-makers externally and internally with various business units in AT&T, HBO, Turner and Warner Bros. Simona also served as European Affairs Adviser at the Association of Commercial Television in Europe where she dealt primarily with audiovisual media, telecom and intellectual property rights issues at EU, national and international level. Currently, Simona holds the position of Chair of the Intellectual Property Commission at the American Chamber of Commerce in the EU (AmCham EU) for the second consecutive mandate. 

      Simona has extensive knowledge in the EU decision-making processes and has worked closely with EU, national and international institutions and government bodies. She holds an MA in European Union Law from King’s College, University of London.


      I have worked in Brussels for almost 20 years and I’ve had the pleasure to work with EIF and many of its members over the past 10 years. My work has revolved mostly around technology, research, healthcare, media and internet policies which enables me to have a broad understanding of the complex EU processes. 

      I believe that each and every one of us, individuals, companies, associations, non-profit organisations and others play a very important in the democratic processes and law making in Brussels. We are now ahead of an important European election which is going to change the fabric of these processes. The EIF and its members, together with the Board have a crucial role to play in creating the right balance of political forces, business interests, democratic values and respect for the rule of law. I believe we need to lend the EU policy makers our support in creating the right conditions not only for our businesses to thrive now but to secure a solid path for our continent for the generations to come. 

      I look forward to working with the EIF leadership and all the members and I would be honoured to receive your support. 

    • Sofía Trénor - Amazon

      Sofia TrenorSofía Trénor is an accomplished professional with over 16 years of experience in law and public affairs. She currently serves as Director of EU Affairs for Amazon Web Services and Head of the Brussels office in Brussels, focusing on increasing cloud computing awareness in Europe by engaging with policymakers and governments. 

      Before joining Amazon in 2017, Sofía worked as Senior Policy Manager for EMEA at the Business Software Alliance. She also served as Director of Business Affairs and Head of Legal at Sony Pictures Networks in Madrid, managing regulatory and policy compliance in Spain and Portugal. 

      Earlier in her career, Sofía established the legal department at Discovery Communications in Madrid and provided strategic legal and policy counsel. She advised Vértice 360° Group in Madrid on intellectual property matters related to TV, film, theatre, and music production. Sofía was also Senior Attorney for Legal and Business Affairs at Warner Music Spain. 

      A lawyer by training, Sofía studied law in France and Spain, and holds a Master’s in Intellectual Property and New Technologies. 

      In her free time, Sofía is a songwriter and singer in the band Personal Belongings, with 5,500 monthly Spotify listeners. Additionally, Sofia serves as a mentor and teacher in the Play4Peace nonprofit, participating in their program to foster socio-professional inclusion through education, sports, and entrepreneurship.


      I am writing to put my name forward for the EIF Governing Board elections. I am eager to contribute my expertise in support of EIF's mission of driving politica} leadership at this crucial stage for Europe's digitai transformation.

      Over the past 16 years, I have honed legai and regulatory skills by leading public affairs and policy teams for major companies such as Amazon Web Services, Sony Pictures, and Discovery Channel.

      I currently hold leadership roles at severa! trade associations, including the Vice Chairmanship far Diversity and Inclusion at the American Chamber of Commerce.

      Additionally, I also serve as a mentor and teacher in the Play4Peace nonprofit, participating in their program to foster socio-professional inclusion of disadvantaged youth through education, sports, and entrepreneurship.

      With my background spanning technology, media and social initiatives, I am confident I can offer valuable strategie guidance as an EIF board member. I am comfortable in seeking consensus and if elected will help ensure EIF's diverse membership is fully represented.

      EIF has a track-record of outstanding work and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can help further our shared mission. Thank you for your consideration.