In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on society and economies is undeniable, presenting a crucial need for ethical and robust regulatory frameworks. On 4 March, this urgency brought together key stakeholders for an insightful discussion on AI regulation at the European Parliament, focusing on the evolving challenges and opportunities within copyright law. The event, hosted by MEP Axel Voss, featured speakers such as:
Kilian Gross, Head of Unit 'Artificial Intelligence Policy Development and Coordination', DG CNECT, European Commission
Michele Woods, Director Copyright Law Division, WIPO
Rachel Bae, Regional US Intellectual Property Attaché, US Mission to the European Union
Alberto La Bella, First Counsellor and Coordinator for Transports and Telecommunications, Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU; Italian G7 Presidency
Audrey Plonk, Deputy Director, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD