The backdrop of COVID-19, geopolitical strains and the recent ENISA threat landscapes (both for healthcare in May 2023 and for the general state of cybersecurity in September 2024), show that healthcare is increasingly a priority target for State and non-state actors, as well as a lucrative target for would-be cyber-criminals.
This event will bring together leading cybersecurity regulators from the European Parliament and European Commission, as well as experts from the national contexts, to discuss the most pertinent issues related to cybersecurity and the digital transformation of European healthcare.
Marina Kaljurand MEP and EIF Chair
Phedra Clouner, Deputy Director, Cybersecurity Centre of Belgium
Saila Rinne, Head of Unit, eHealth, Wellbeing and Ageing, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Jaanika Merilo, Head of Digital Health and Care, The Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia