On 4 December EIF will host an afternoon of workshops to further feed its ongoing foresight project.
Workshops will focus on technological, economic and socio-political visions and emerging trends under the main theme ‘The Digital World in 2030: What Place for Europe?’. EIF members and friends will be invited to participate and share their ideas, thus contributing to the final EIF report, which will be released in March 2014. Based on the previous report ‘The Digital World in 2025 - Indicators for European Action’ (2009), the 2030 report will be available in time for next year’s European Parliament elections and a new Commission.
Peter Linton, EIF Advisor and principal author of the ‘Digital World in 2025’, together with EIF Advisor Ajit Jaokar, will write the ‘Digital World in 2030’ report based on output from EIF debates and discussion groups.
chaired by Edit Herczog MEP
chaired by Sabine Verheyen MEP