Head of the Greek SD Delegation (Pasok/Elia) in the European Parliament
Chair of D-NAT
Chair of STOA
Member in ITRE, TAX2
Substitute in ECON, EMPL,SEDE, D-RU, D-US
Eva Kaili is a Member of the European Parliament, elected in 2014.
She was elected as the Vice President of the European Parliament on 18 January 2022.
In her capacity as the Vice-Chair of the European Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessment body (STOA) she has, been working intensively on promoting innovation as a driving force of the establishment of the European Digital Single Market. She has been particularly active in the fields of m/eHealth, big data and cybersecurity.
Since her election she has also been very active in the field of taxation, where she has been the Rapporteur of the ECON committee's annual tax report. As a member of the ECON committee she has been focusing on EU's financial integration and the management of the financial crisis in the Eurozone.
Prior to her position in the European Parliament, she has been elected two times in the Greek Parliament (2007-2012), with the PanHellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK). She holds a Bachelor degree in Architecture and Civil Engineering, and Postgraduate degree in European Politics. Currently, she is conducting her PhD in International Political Economy.