21 June 2016

Startups have been blossoming across Europe for a while now. Some of them have become success stories, some can call themselves a “unicorn”, many of them are not European any longer because were obliged to move outside Europe and/ or give up ownership to find the money to scale up.

#EIFAsks: What does it take to scale-up in Europe?

The lagging European economy cannot be revived solely on the basis of a thriving ecosystem for startups. The EU needs to offer an environment nursing scale-ups and just replicating Silicon Valley is not an option.
In order to have a wider discussion around this issue, EIF & Lambert van Nistelrooij MEP invited a panel of entrepreneurs to talk about what it is like to scale up in Europe.
Before the debate kicked-off EIF asked them what steps can be taken to improve the policy climate for the scalability of European start-ups?



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