07 March 2024

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on society and economies is undeniable, presenting a crucial need for ethical and robust regulatory frameworks. On 4 March, this urgency brought together key stakeholders for an insightful discussion on AI regulation at the European Parliament, focusing on the evolving challenges and opportunities within copyright law. The event, hosted by MEP Axel Voss, featured speakers such as:

Kilian Gross, Head of Unit 'Artificial Intelligence Policy Development and Coordination', DG CNECT, European Commission
Michele Woods, Director Copyright Law Division, WIPO
Rachel Bae, Regional US Intellectual Property Attaché, US Mission to the European Union
Alberto La Bella, First Counsellor and Coordinator for Transports and Telecommunications, Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU; Italian G7 Presidency
Audrey Plonk, Deputy Director, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD

Global Perspectives on AI Regulation: Navigating IP Landscapes & Connecting the Political Bubbles


Axel Voss opened the discussion by highlighting the need to bridge the gap between different "bubbles" of understanding and regulation, specifically between Europe and Geneva. He emphasized the importance of sharing expertise and collaborating on AI regulation and intellectual property rights, expressing concern over the current handling of text and data mining and its implications for copyright holders in the AI environment.

Kilian Gross from the European Commission delved into the specifics of the AI Act, noting its final phase and the emphasis on copyright-related aspects within AI legislation. He stressed the Act's role in providing a legal framework across the EU for AI, aiming for safety and trust. Gross also mentioned the challenge of addressing the vast amount of data used in training AI models and proposed a dual approach focusing on compliance with copyright rules and transparency in training data usage.

Michele Woods, representing WIPO, shared the organization's commitment to fostering open dialogue on AI and intellectual property on a global scale. She discussed the adaptability of the IP framework to AI advancements and the importance of transparency, especially concerning data used in AI. Woods highlighted ongoing efforts to develop practical tools and guidelines for navigating IP issues in the AI context.

Rachel Bae, from the US mission to the EU, applauded the EU's efforts in AI regulation through the AI Act and discussed the United States' balanced approach to nurturing creativity and innovation while addressing the challenges posed by AI on intellectual property rights. She outlined the US's focus on patents, copyright, and the significance of human contribution in AI-assisted inventions.

Alberto La Bella provided an international perspective, emphasizing the ongoing debate between the risks and opportunities presented by AI. He spoke about governance, the potential for international legally binding instruments, and the importance of flexible and adaptable regulatory approaches to keep pace with technological advancements.

Audrey Plonk, from the OECD, updated on the OECD AI principles and their role in shaping global AI policy, stressing the importance of data, privacy, and intellectual property in AI development. She highlighted the diverse approaches taken by different jurisdictions and the ongoing efforts to understand the impact of these approaches on AI innovation.


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