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Open, inclusive, balanced and competitive are important drivers for the EU to enable the development of connectivity technology standards over the last 30 years, including cellular. This event will be a timely opportunity to consider the future of the European standardisation ecosystem, in light of recent initiatives by the European Commission. Regarding in particular the proposal for a regulation entitled “a new framework for standard-essential patents” on April 27th, the event will consider stakeholders’ views about the proposed regulation.

  • Programme

    Opening remarks

    Pilar del Castillo MEP and EIF Chair


    Kamil Kiljanski, Head of Unit 'Intangible economy', DG GROW, European Commission

    Axel Ferrazzini, Managing Director of 4iP Council EU; Board Member of ETSI

    Lyse Brillouet, VP Intellectual Property and Licensing, Orange

    Arthur Percheron, Senior Patent Attorney, Schneider Electric

    Exchange of views with the participants under the Chatham House rule

Practical information

26 September 2023 12:30 - 14:00

European Parliament
Rue Wiertz 60

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  • Pilar del Castillo MEP, EIF Chair
  • Kamil Kiljanski Head of Unit 'Intangible economy' DG GROW, European Commission
  • Axel Ferrazzini Managing Director 4iP Council EU
  • Lyse Brillouet VP Intellectual Property and Licensing Orange
  • Arthur Percheron Senior Patent Attorney Schneider Electric

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