01 March 2015

The era of the Internet of Things (IoT) is not some remote horizon; it has already begun. IoT will revolutionise how we do business and live our lives, from saving energy to supporting healthcare, providing our entertainment and streamlining the entire industrial supply chain.

This EIF Breakfast, chaired by Lambert van Nistelrooij, MEP and EIF Steering Committee Member, examined the interaction of technologies in a complex IoT framework, explored some of the exciting changes that IoT is already bringing or are just arround the corner, and considered the societal challenges and policy implications of these changes for Europe.

Mario Campolargo, Director "Net Futures" at DG CONNECT, European Commission, described how IoT will change business models in our society. He stressed that SMEs and startups will play a very important role in the era of IoT and Big Data, and that the only way the IoT can successfully exist in Europe is if the Digital Single Market is implemented.







Chuck Adams, President 2009-2010 IEEE SA (Standard Association) and Founding member of the IoT development program at IEEE, called the IoT a paradigm shift from the development of standards point of view. He presented the recent works of IEEE P2413 Project “Standard for an Architectural Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT)” which aims to reduce industry fragmentation and create a critical mass of multi-stakeholder standards-setting activities around the world.






Ilkka Lakaniemi, Programme Chairman of the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership, stressed that IoT will create new jobs in Europe. He also presented the latest work of FI-PPP helping European Start-ups and Industry to use IoT, as well as partnerships with the EU Members States.






Andrew Fielding, Vice President at Samsung Electronics Europe, spoke about connectivity, spectrum, open eco-system of standards, legislation of net neutrality, data protection and the venture capital framework as key elements for IoT and Big Data to thrive in Europe.






Frank Strebe, Senior Manager Government and External Affairs, Communication E-Mobility & Alternative Drive Trains, Connectivity at BMW, described how IoT and Big Data will change the functionality  of cars and transform transform the car industry more broadly.



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