29 June 2017

On 21st June, EIF & Michal Boni MEP hosted a debate on the future of #eHealth in the European Parliament in Brussels. In a context of budget constraint, new healthcare technologies are considered to be key enablers for the sustainability and quality of EU healthcare services. The debate discussed key factors for digital health development and new possibilities involving the use of patients’ data.

#EIFAsks: What actions at EU level can stimulate the development of mHealth solutions?

Michal Boni hopes that we are transitioning from a healthcare model mainly based on intervention to one which focuses on prevention thanks to the new possibilities brought by new technologies and connectivity. Monitoring of health in real time, 5G infrastructure, interoperability and high performance computing centers are key to connectivity that will allow connected health and thus allow for personalized treatments that adjust to patient’s needs.

Prof. Dariusz Dudek, a renowned cardiologist, who joined the debate via video conference from Krakow, introduced participants to the latest developments in holographics and their use in the field of medicine. Holograms in 3D or 4D allow for collaboration of surgeons from different locations without being physically present in the operating theater.

Ralf Saykiewicz and Mateusz Kierepka from MedApp, believe that the ability to diagnose someone remotely is transforming medicine. In their words, “we are changing the model from an intervention to a prevention model saving human lives. The combination of connected medical devices and predictive analytics will allow us to foresee e.g. a heart attack within a reasonable period of time to prevent it from happening.

Olivier Benoist, EU policy Director of the App Association, focused on the regulatory framework. ACT has been very active in the elaboration of a code of conduct on eHealth, a tool that should restore confidence between the consumer and the business community. However, the code still needs to be adopted by the working party article 29, which is the European Regulator.

Maciej Bochajczuk from the European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association, introduced the audience to the latest developments in printed electronics and their application in healthcare e.g. printed biosensors to monitor body functions such as glucose levels.

In this #EIFAsks video, Michal Boni MEP, Prof. Dariuzs Dudek, a renowned cardiologist, and experts on mHealth solutions from MedApp, ACT - the App Association, and the European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association, share solutions and their views on digital health.



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